Why only registered members?

Access to Changing Places facilities is restricted to only those that need them. There are many reasons for this, including:

  • To help protect the room and specialised equipment from malicious damage
  • To ensure the safety and wellbeing of people who don’t know how to use the specialised equipment
  • To maximise the cleanliness and availability of the room for those who need it, when they need it

From the shared experiences of Changing Places groups overseas and in our own journey to build the first facility here in New Zealand, we learned quickly that the biggest barrier to building Changing Places facilities is not money—it is security of the unit and the potential need for extra staffing to enable access. We believe the system we have created for this facility and others going forward offers safe and secure self-managing access, eliminating these two major concerns.

How does access work?

When you register as a Changing Places member, you are given a coded tag on a retractable lanyard. To enter a Changing Place, simply hold your tag up to a sensor next to the door. The retractable lanyard can be secured to a wheelchair or walker.

We are working to develop a smartphone app using Bluetooth technology, which will recognise that an authorised user has approached the door and open automatically (this is a work in progress).

Although we currently only have a limited number of facilities in New Zealand, we have future-proofed our system so that the same tag will open any Changing Places unit nationwide. As more Changing Places become built around New Zealand, you will gain access to these newer facilities at no extra charge and without having to update your registration details.

What is the cost to register as a member?

Running the secured access system comes at a cost. Changing Places NZ is not currently Government funded, and relies on its users to help cover those costs through a membership fee.

Discounted Lifetime Membership (charitable model)

A single tag for an individual or family:

Name of member or organisation *
Name of main caregiver or contact person *
Member/Applicant's Date of Birth *
Postal address *
Email Address *
Mobile contact number
Acceptance of our membership *
Terms and Conditions
Which funding stream are you part of (if any)?
For example: ACC, or Individualized Funding (if so, please specify which NASC or IF funder), or Cerebral Palsy Society getThis&That programme, or something else? (These schemes may help to pay registration costs).
A brief statement of why you need to use Changing Places facilities *
as opposed to other toileting facilities currently offered elsewhere.